Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snow Cream

What does Team Matos do when the snow won't stop falling?? We grab a big ol'e bowl and fill it up with that snow and show it who's boss... We are! And we LOVE snow cream!! This recipe is slightly different from what I had growing up, but it's OH SO GOOD! Tastes like real ice cream but only takes minutes to make (give or take how ever long it takes the snow to get deep enough to get a good clean helping of snow!)

Snow Cream
All Recipes
The Line Up
1 (12 oz) can evaporated milk
2 eggs, beaten 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 cup white sugar
1 gallon snow

The Game Plan
In a large bowl, combine milk, eggs, vanilla and sugar until smooth. Gradually stir in snow until mixture reaches desired consistency. Eat at once.

Coach's Post Game
Yes, you'll have to get over your issues (if you have any) of eating raw egg - just consider how many things you eat on a regular basis that have raw egg in them already. Been eating raw cookie dough, cake batter, brownie mix and so much more for years and I'm not dead yet so let's move on...
This recipe is simple and tastes like regular ice cream with a slightly different texture. Beware it melts QUICKLY so eat it!
The All Star insists on having chocolate syrup on his, but I'm a purist in this situation and just want the plain snow cream. But we all agree it's worth making it when we can!

Final Score
Coach  - Home Run
Catcher - Home Run
The All Star  - Home Run with chocolate syrup!

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to try this. I loved eating snow as a kid...but I remember a turning point, when I started thinking about "acid rain" and eating snow became unappealing...However...like you said, it hasn't killed me yet right? I might just have to run out and grab me some while the snow in my backyard is as yet untouched by human/dog hands/paws!



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